This guy filmed heaven for 7 days. What he caught on camera took my breath away!
Last Updated June 4th, 2014

This time-lapse video was filmed over a period of 7 days at El Teides (Spain’s highest mountain). It easy to forget how amazing simple things can be when we’re struggling to build confidence, procrastinating on our work, or messing things up. So let this serve as your daily inspiration for the day ;-). It’s going to be alright.

This is a marketing blog. A blog that shows entrepreneurs, executives, and business owners how to market their businesses (and themselves) in the overcrowded marketplace. I’m sharing this video as a test. I’ll share more about the results of this test soon. Keep an eye out.

And in the mean time: If you’re looking to build a blog, download my free ebook where I show you how to get your first 5,000 subscribers.

11 comments Leave a comment

Popup did not come up for me. Watched it via iphone.


Yeah, I vote against your new pop-up. I think it got me 3 times. When I first got to the page, when I went to full screen on the video and then, it came up again when I went back to normal from full screen. Because I’m already a subscriber, it’s especially annoying. It would be nice if a cookie told it not to show to people that are already on your list. Anyway, thanks for the great video!

    Derek Halpern

    Hi Mike, there’s no way it showed three times. ;-).


      I’m pretty sure.. I can swear to twice, but it might have been user error on the third. I’m on a pc, so you know S%&U happens on them that doesn’t on those fancy Macs haha

Kaye Putnam

Beautiful video. Didn’t mind the new popup after first visiting the site, bummer that it popped up again watching the video.

    Derek Halpern

    Not sure why that happened.


Haha I see that you’re testing the effects of upworthy-ly headlines. I’m sure this link got you at least 4x more traffic on social media than you’re average post. I can’t wait for you to share the results.

    Derek Halpern


Barry Wong

Thank you Derek for sharing this. Makes all the stresses and worries of the day melt away. #perspective


Beauty is opportunity all around us if we only took the time to stop and see it through the eyes of others. It’s magnificently beautiful.


We only need open our eyes to see beauty. Incredible!

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