Ben Hartley and Cole Eutzy were six weeks away from launching their first online photography course.
Cole, a marketer at his day job, wasn’t new to copywriting. But the last thing he wanted was for their course to bomb because their sales page didn’t work.
And then there were the THOUSANDS of online photography courses being sold in a crowded market.
Ben and Cole KNEW they had an amazing course…
But they were worried it would get lost in the noise when it launched.
Then Cole received an email from me about my online course, Sales Page that Converts.
It was perfect timing…
“I’ve always been interested in what people above me are doing. So, to get access to Derek’s sales page framework was worth it.”
It went down to the wire, but Ben and Cole were able to create their Sales Page that Converts just in time.
The results?
- They had their biggest launch ever! They pulled in $49,316 in invoiced revenue from their online course.
- They created a “high-end” version of their course for $796 – an increase of 60% over their $497 standard course package, which 19% of their customers opted for.
- Their sales page had a conversion rate of 9.1% based on 973 impressions and 89 units sold.
How did they do it?
By following the easy, step-by-step framework in Sales Page that Converts…
How To Stand Out In A Sea Of Competitors
Ben and Cole were worried about separating themselves from the from the thousands of photography courses on the internet.
I totally get it…
I see online ads for photography courses all the time and I don’t know anything about taking pictures!
But here’s the truth: competition is actually good.
It means there’s a lot of people with money who want to buy what you’re selling.
The problem?
People get intimidated by competition and they panic. So, they try to appeal to everyone because they don’t want to miss out on any customers.
But this is the kiss of death…
If you try to please everyone, you’ll end up pleasing no one.
Instead, Ben and Cole simply had to answer the one question all potential customers ask…
“Why should I buy from you?”
And in Sales Page that Converts, I showed them the exact technique I use to answer this question for all of my products.
Ben and Cole had to explain HOW they’d deliver on the promise of their course, which was getting more photography clients.
“It really forces you to think about some of the other ways you can create a narrative around your product.”
After considering their options, they both realized their ace in the hole was Ben.
Ben was rated the #1 wedding photographer in Ohio and built a six figure photography business in 2 years. With that kind of resume, what photographer wouldn’t trust him?
As Cole explained:
“All these other photographers run websites teaching people how to market their photography businesses when they don’t even have a very successful photography business. We’re not making our money telling people how to market their photography business. Ben is actually doing it – and that’s our big difference.”
The lesson here is that you can’t try to appeal to everyone. You have to show HOW your product is different from the competition’s.
But to create a Sales Page that Converts, you can’t just show how your product is going to deliver… You must also remove the obstacles that prevent your prospects from becoming paid customers.
This was the next big change Ben and Cole made to their sales page…
Mythbusting Your Way To More Customers
When Ben and Cole got to Module 3 of Sales Page that Converts, they realized their sales page was missing a huge piece of the puzzle.
They didn’t address any false beliefs people might have about the photography business.
All sales pages tell you why you SHOULD buy their product or service. But most people don’t put themselves in their customers’ shoes.
If you want a sales page that converts, you have to address the reasons why a prospect WOULDN’T buy from you.
This was a big a-ha moment for Ben and Cole.
“One of the main things I added to the sales page that I didn’t have before I took the course was the section on myths. That was a huge part of the sales page that was lacking.”
Myths are simply false beliefs your prospects have about your product or service.
In the sales page, Ben and Cole debunked the three biggest myths photographers believed about their business.
Ben and Cole’s sale page now addressed customer objections before their prospects even thought of them. This gives the impression you’re reading their minds, which Cole loved:
“I really loved how [Derek] addresses myths, and how to dispel them before you get into your offer. That was one of my biggest takeaways from the course.”
To boost conversions even more, Ben and Cole made two more important changes to their sales page.
Change #1: They Added Bullets About Benefits (Not Features)!
Showing off what’s in your product or service feels good, but it’s not what your prospects care about.
The only thing they’re thinking is, “How does this benefit me?”
Ben and Cole realized that their sales page didn’t answer this well.
Sales Page that Converts helped them to write clear, benefit-driven bullet points that make their prospects’ ears perk up.
This was one of Cole’s favorite lessons in the course:
“[Bullets] are my favorite. That’s why they’re part of our sales page and I definitely took a lot from that video. I actually haven’t found that much good content on how to write good bullet points. Derek’s was actually one of the better ones I’ve ever seen.”
Change #2: They Created An Advanced Version Of Their Course
Ben and Cole learned in Sales Page that Converts that adding a high-end version of your product or service increases conversions.
Because it changes your customers’ decision from “should I buy?” to “which option is best for me?”
So, Ben and Cole created an advanced version of their course that shows you how to price your photography to maximize revenue.
They priced it at $796, a 60% increase over their core offer at $497. 19% of their customers purchased the advanced option, earning them $5,083 in extra revenue!
$49,316 in Invoiced Revenue… With A 9.1% Conversion Rate
Ben and Cole’s first launch after completing Sales Page that Converts was their biggest launch yet, with $49,316 in invoiced revenue.
Their sales page had a 9.1% conversion rate based on 973 sales page impressions and 89 units sold.
“I think we ended up with a 9.1% conversion rate for people that hit that page, which I’m really happy with. I definitely think the improvements I made because of [Sales Page that Converts], and specifically adding the myths section and fleshing that out made a huge difference on our sales.”
Ben and Cole are already revisiting Sales Page that Converts to launch their course again in the fall and their bi-annual live workshop.
“I Already Recommended It To My Friends”!
Even though Ben and Cole were only six weeks away from their launch, they didn’t hesitate when they saw Sales Page that Converts:
“The main reason I bought it was to get access to Derek’s framework. Before, I didn’t have anything written out. I was just like, ‘Oh I need this, this, and this,’ in my head.”
Cole also loved the worksheets that go with the lessons in Sales Page that Converts…
“I love the worksheets. That’s my favorite part. That is the framework. I use them. I love them. I remember thinking about how detailed they were. They’re a good length to not be overwhelming.”
With the simple, step-by-step framework of Sales Page that Converts, Ben and Cole were able to have their most lucrative product launch yet.
“[Sales Page that Converts] is completely worth it just to get access to Derek’s framework. It definitely works. He is definitely several steps ahead of where most people are with their sales pages and their business. And to see what people way above you are doing is incredibly valuable.”
Are you ready to transform your business and your life?
You’ll need a sales page.
And I can show you how to make one in my new course Sales Page that Converts.

Learn About Sales Page that Converts Now
What Did Other Students Say About Sales Page That Converts?
Austin Roberson Landed 25 new clients who pay $299 per month (for a total of $7500 of recurring revenue). See the full case study.
Benjamin Houy wrote a sales page that increased his revenue by 21%. You can see the full case study right here.
Lisa wrote a sales page that earned $21,861 in 4 months. The best part? She did it while she was 9 months pregnant. Here’s the full case study.
Just Know This…
To learn about this brand-new online course, I put together a page that describes everything that it can do for you and how it can help.

Learn About Sales Page that Converts Now
And if you’re curious about why other people enrolled…
Here are direct quotes from people who JUST enrolled:
“You are the only one to discuss the 3 types of buyers, and that concept makes a lot of sense. I am hoping to learn the words that appeal to those types and how to do it without sounding salesy.” – Jeannette
“I want to learn how to understand the buyers (of whatever) to either sell something useful for them that I already have or to know how to come up with a solution to their needs And of course, to create a sales page that leaves them knowing everything they need to so they follow the CTA” – Cynthia
“I want to build a skin care business that focuses on skin ailments more specifically eczema. Just to top this off I will be learning organic formulations starting sept. I want to have everything in place and build my audience while doing my training. Upon completion of my masters I would have built an audience and then I get to sell them something.” – Geneva
“I want to understand how to craft clear messages and present them in a persuasive manner to whatever audience I choose for affiliate marketing, online courses and other products or services.” – Dennis
“I like Derek’s style of teaching Want to really dig into the anatomy of a sales page Want to understand some of Derek’s principles around selling” – Kylie
“I’ve enrolled in Sales Pages that Converts to hopefully learn the method to writing my own sales pages. I’m a proficient writer at an academic / white paper level, but I need to learn to capture the voice of my target market.” – Connie

Learn About Sales Page that Converts Now