Fun fact: If you rely on “word-of-mouth,” you need help.
Specifically my help.
Here’s why:
Everyone knows the BIG PROBLEM with Word-of-Mouth…
…but no one thinks it will happen to them.
I’ll explain.
Look: Word-of-mouth is a great way to build a business.
It means that your product or service is good enough that people are willing to recommend it.
Good on you. You’re good at what you do.
The problem?
It’s a slow burn. Sometimes you get clients. Sometimes you don’t. And the reality is this: you can’t rely on it.
…Because what if all of the word-of-mouth dries up?
“I lost my biggest referral partner.”
Take Rachael Scott, a clinical massage therapist, as an example. A few years back, she told me “I lost my biggest referral partner who had been referring 30% of my clients. It was a wake up call that I really needed to diversify and find more ways to attract clients to my brick and mortar business.”
“$0 one month. $5000 the next. I hate unpredictable revenue!”
Or how about any freelancer? You know. $0 one month. $5000 the next. That’s how Word-of-Mouth works. It’s choppy and you never know where the next client will come from.
“People keep offering me WAY BELOW what I’m worth and I’m tired of it!
Ever get offered $500 for a $5000 job? Your word-of-mouth clients may not offer you so little. But randoms? They almost always offer ou less and that’s a problem if word-of-mouth dries up, right?
Now, what if I told you that you can break free from the “word-of-mouth” trap.
And what if I said you could reliably, and realistically, generated “customers-on-demand.”
You Need A Sales Page…
And not just any sales page.
A Sales Page that Converts.
Here’s why:
When you have a Sales Page that Converts, you can test different ways of attracting customers. You can continue to get Word-of-Mouth clients, but you can also try things like social media, blogging, advertising, affiliate marketing, and more.
…because when you have a Sales Page that Converts, you can SEE what works best and do more of it.
However, most people think these other ways of ‘attracting customers’ never works. Why? Because they send them to a “request a quote page” that looks like this:
If it’s a word-of-mouth client.
No issues here.
But if it’s someone who just stumbled on your site, why would they hire you? You don’t show your value. You don’t explain why you can help. You don’t do anything other than ask them to contact you…
(No wonder people try to under pay you).
When you send these people to a Sales Page that Converts… that’s when the magic happens.
The Truth About Sales Pages In 2017
People think sales pages have to look spammy.
The world’s smartest companies use sales pages to persuade people to buy their products and it doesn’t feel scammy or salesy or anything like that.
Take a look:
Big companies use them…

Small businesses who sell online courses, coaching, consulting, and other services use them too:

And if you look around, you’ll see different types of businesses who use sales pages to persuade people to buy.
Personally, I’ve seen people use sales pages to sell anything from an e-book, to a speech, to a hand-made leather bag, to an online course, to a piece of software…
Why do so many smart companies create sales pages?
A Sales Page that Converts allows you to diversify the way you attract clients. And believe it or not, when done right, a sales page can do a whole lot more.
(Imagine if you sent people to your your product or service page and you started getting offered $10,000 for $5000 job. Imagine sending them to a page and getting the sale RIGHT NOW vs answering one million questions. Would be nice, right?)
A Sales Page that Converts can help you increase your prices (without getting pushback from prospects).
(Imagine if, instead of discounting your product to make the sale, you INCREASE THE PRICE of your product and still sold well).
A Sales Page that Converts can help you attract more customers from different sources (Did you know that there’s a fundamental difference between a sales page that converts “word-of-mouth” prospects vs “cold” prospects?)
(Imagine if you could close more sales from word-of-mouth… from Facebook ads… from email marketing… from affiliate marketing… and more. How would that impact your business?)
A Sales Page that Converts can be used for years. The Wall Street Journal ran one sales page for 28 years. I’ve run one of my sales pages for about 5 years now (aside from minor tweaks here and there).
(Imagine if you never had a spend one more second on selling. Imagine if the sales page did all the work and you focused on delivering a high quality product or service to your paying customers?)
Sounds like a pipe dream?
Here’s The Easiest Way To Learn How To Create A Sales Page…
…even if you’re not a writer.
I put together an online course called Sales Page that Converts.
Enrollment is now open, but it closes tomorrow.
Inside this course I show you everything you need to do to make a remarkable sales pages… even if you’re not a writer.
A great sales page can have a drastic impact on your business, and this course can help you make one in the next 30 days.
But don’t take my word for it.
And check this out:
These 3 Business Owners Created A Sales Page that Converts
I could tell you how great this course is, but I rather introduce you to 3 remarkable success stories.
Lisa increased the price of her course from $297 to $497 – a 67% increase. And even though she struggled to sell her course at a cheaper price, she was successfully selling her course for more money… with less headaches.
Ben and Cole launched a “high-end” version of their course (it was 60% higher than their lower priced product). 1 out of 5 customers opted for this more expensive option, and their sales page helped them sell it.
Or take the case of Austin Roberson. He was launching a new monthly membership, and he got 25 people to pay him $299 per month – earning about $7500 in recurring revenue. Again. Because of his sales page.

Learn About Sales Page that Converts Now

“I didn’t know how valuable a sales page was.
This course changed the way I run my launches.”
– Austin Roberson

Derek, your Sales Page That Converts course is,
hands-down, the most helpful online course I’ve ever taken
— and I’ve taken a LOT of them.”
– Beth Hayden
P.S. The bottom line? If you rely on word-of-mouth, you are taking a HUGE risk. Sales Page that Converts can help you diversify how you attract clients.

Learn About Sales Page that Converts Now
Derek, Interesting blog! How would you go about creating a sales page that converts for specialized business that focuses more on B2B rather than B2C? I work in aerospace and am also involved in Aerial Photography (topographic) that doesn’t necessarily lend itself to converting clients easily. What do you recommend?