Thank You For Providing Your Feedback.

I really appreciate your help with this.


What can you do while you wait for the next email?

I recently launched my Instagram account. And I’m thinking about taking it seriously.

And by seriously. I mean. Not at all seriously.

I sometimes film short, helpful videos about business. Other times I just do silly things like show people my new favorite t-shirt.

My new favorite t shirt has arrived!

A post shared by Derek Halpern (@derekhalpern) on

Either way.

Would love to put a face to a name. Follow me and/or introduce yourself!

Over the next 12 months, we really want to help you Be The Exception in business and life. And your feedback is ESSENTIAL to ensure we create exactly what you need the most help with.

If you have any questions for me about this new direction for Social Triggers, feel free to email me at

I’ll be here answering questions.

In the mean time, there’s hundreds of thousands of people who visit Social Triggers each month. And while it’s impossilbe to meet everyone, I always like to put a face to the email address.

So, if you haven’t done this yet, come introduce yourself over at the Social Triggers Facebook page. Here’s the link.

Social Triggers on Facebook

Thanks again!