Okay, Now Check Your Email...

Okay, you’re all set.

Now that you picked the specific thing you’re interested in…

…you should get another email from me within the next 10 minutes or so where I’ll provide you with more information that you need.

(It should be instant, but I’ve done this to know that there’s always a delay in when emails get sent out).

While we wait, you might be wondering why I put together this training series in the first place.

Hi, I’m Derek Halpern, the founder of Social Triggers…

Most people don’t know that I spent the last 10 years neurotically studying the world’s best sales pages, some of which dated back to more than 100 years ago (back when companies used to send them through snail mail!).

And let me tell you: developing this skill paid off…

Over the last 5 years, I grew my business exponentially.

Here’s a screenshot:


Almost every single sale was made by a sales page.

I’ve created sales pages that were short and “more visual.” I’ve created sales pages that were long. Sometimes, they were only shared after a “product launch.” Other times, the sales pages were up and running 24/7.

And that’s when people started to ask me for advice on how to create sales pages.

They saw my growth. They saw my sales. And they wanted to know HOW I DID IT!

So, I began sharing some of my advice about selling, and people saw remarkable results.

Here are a few choice quotes:

So I did the next obvious thing…

I created an online course called Sales Page that Converts. This course was designed to help service providers sell their products and services on the web by creating remarkable, high-converting sales pages.

Enrollment is closed right now, but it will open soon.

(First I will send you free training material via email. And then, after Im’ done delivering the material, I’ll open enrollment to the program).

However, if you want to skip the wait and just get access the program right now, send an email to news@socialtriggers.com with the subject line: “I want to join Sales Page that Converts” and I’ll see what I can do.

If you want to get all the free training material first, no problem. Now that you’re done reading this I’m sure the email I promised will make it to your inbox.

So go check your email now.