And a failure to do it can be the difference between:

Put down the pitchfork a sec, and let me explain.
When I sell something, I often use the generic “Introducing Product Name,” as the headline on my sales page.
And if you’re the type of person who reads and analyzes what other people do, you might come to the conclusion: “Oh! Derek writes good sales pages. He’s using Introducing Product Name. I SHOULD DO THAT TOO!”
…but would that be a good idea?
Well, that depends, right?
But do you know what it depends on?
Maybe you can come up with the reason why pretty quickly. Or maybe you’re struggling. But eventually, I’m sure you’ll think something like…
“It depends on whether people are excited to hear about your product or not. RIGHT?”
And, yea. You’re right.
But let me ask you a much harder question…
Let’s say you’re a Yoga Instructor. And you’re selling a course where you show people how to do Yoga through video instruction.
Now it’s time to create your sales page. Should you use the word “Yoga” in your headline? Or should you avoid that word like the plague?
This is a much harder question to answer, but believe it or not, there is a clear-cut, right, answer to this question. It’s not opinion based. There’s a right and wrong answer.
And it has to do with more than just headlines. It has to do with how you create your sales page… from start to finish… and getting it right could be the difference between $0 and $9342.
Or in other words.
Making sales. And not making sales.
And that’s why I always say that there’s only one thing you MUST do before you write one word of your sales page.
You MUST answer the question: “who will be reading this sales page?”
And more specifically… what do they already know about you (as a yoga instructor)… what they already know (or don’t know) about Yoga… and what they already know about your course about Yoga.
Now I know this is a lot. And it may make you feel overwhelmed just thinking about it.
What if I said I could provide you with a simple framework that can help you figure out what to say and how to say it… without spending one second stressing about it?
You see, there are 3 secrets behind a Sales Page that Converts.
(One of these secrets is directly related to better understanding who you’re trying to sell your product or service to…)
And I go over them on that page I just shared with you.
As you’ll soon see, I’m happy to announce that I opened enrollment to a brand new online course called Sales Page that Converts. I also tell you all about it on that page right there, too.
But here’s the deal:
Enrollment is now open, but it closes on December 9th.
It may not be a fit for you, and that’s okay. But take a look and make the decision for yourself.