How He Got 25 People To
Pay Him $300 Per Month

Austin Roberson persuaded 25 people to join his $300 per month membership program, successfully generating $7500 per month.

How did he do it?

He followed a simple “Apply to Buy” sales strategy.

Here’s how it works…

Step 1: He created a sales page that asks people to “Apply to Buy.”

(People mistakenly think a sales page only sells something. Wrong. It can pre-sell people on “requesting a quote,” “applying to buy,” or even “subscribe to newsletter.”)

Step 2: He hand selected less than 50% of the his applicants to buy his program.

Step 3: He then sent those approved applicants to a sales page designed to ask them to “sign up.”

The big question then is, “How did he create these two sales pages?”

How did he make a page that pre-sold people to “apply” to his membership program?

And then how did he make a page that sold people into his membership program?

I’ll share the complete case study on this new webinar.

It goes down on April 6th at 8PM EST.

Reserve Your Spot for the 8PM Eastern Training.

Who am I?

And why am I breaking down Austin’s sales process?

Hi, I’m Derek Halpern, and I’m the founder of Social Triggers. I created an online course called Sales Page that Converts and Austin is one of my star students.

Most people don’t know that I spent the last 10 years neurotically studying the world’s best sales pages, some of which dated back to more than 100 years ago.

Then, one night, while writing one of my own sales pages, I realized something: the exact sales page frameworks and formulas I developed “behind closed doors” could benefit business owners and entrepreneurs from all over the world…

So I created an online course about how to create sales pages. Austin joined. And this was his story.