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The Perfect Testimonial (use this to boost your sales conversions today)
Last Updated March 27th, 2014

If you’re selling online, you NEED testimonials.

(I personally can draw a direct line between customer testimonials and hundreds of thousands of dollars in revenue).

But there’s a problem:

Most people feature HORRIBLE testimonials…

…and they’re leaving a tremendous amount of revenue on the table. Revenue they RIGHTFULLY DESERVE.

Luckily it’s easy to fix. Just use what I call “The Perfect Testimonial” framework.

I go over it in detail in my new Social Triggers TV episode:

The Perfect Testimonial: How to Write Great Testimonials

The Perfect Testimonial Framework

If you’re looking to convert browsers into buyers, you need testimonials. Great testimonials.

You need what I call Perfect Testimonials.

Because no matter what you’re selling, testimonials will help you turn tire kickers into happy customers.

Testimonials are proof that what you sell works.

Testimonials extinguish the fear of buying.

Testimonials are one of the most valuable assets to your business.

Personally, in my business, I can draw a line between testimonials and hundreds of thousands of dollars in revenue.

And I know it will lead to much more.

The problem is, forget Perfect Testimonials. Most people have HORRIBLE testimonials.

I’m Derek Halpern, the founder of Social Triggers. And in this video, I’ll show you the difference between the bad and the perfect.

I’ll also show you how to solicit these testimonials from your customers so you can quote them word for word.

If you’re looking to get ahead this year, then you must know how to sell.

I believe people who learn how to sell make a better living, have more fulfilling lives, and reap the majority of rewards while others fight for scraps.

And providing testimonials is one part of the sales process that is often overlooked.

A testimonial can literally make or break a sale… And if you do it right, you can nail your pitch, turn prospects into buyers, and convince clients to send more prospects your way.

How do you do it right?

By following what I call The Perfect Testimonial Framework.

As a side note, you should always have your testimonials reviewed by a lawyer. There are laws around what can be said and what can’t be said. So, keep that in mind.

Now, let’s say someone wrote in and said:

“Derek Halpern is so great. He’s so smart, and his videos are so helpful. I literally watch his videos 5 times apiece and I learn something new every time.”

Would I feature that as one of my main testimonials?

The answer is no.

Sure, it’s flattering. And of course, I love compliments.

But as a testimonial, it’s HORRIBLE. Why?

Testimonials serve one purpose: To persuade your prospect that what you’re selling will work for them.

And while that testimonial blows a whole lot of smoke up my you-know-what, that testimonial doesn’t accomplish the main job.

Now, compare that testimonial with something like this:

“Before I took Blog that Converts, I thought you had to update your blog several times per week. However, after taking it, I learned you only need to update a few times per month, and then all you have to do is use the promotional strategies to get your blog posts in people’s hands. I did this and I started to watch my traffic go up from 100 visitors per week to more than 1,000 visitors per week.

What’s the difference between the first and the second testimonial?

Sure, the second one is more specific, and it’s definitely tailored towards the product.

But more specifically, the second follows The Perfect Testimonial Framework. Let’s break it down:

1. The perfect testimonial identifies a belief or problem your ideal customer currently has or suffers from.

In my example, this was the belief that you have to update your blog several times per week. This gets prospects who have that belief thinking, “I’m just like them.”

2. The perfect testimonial details how your product, service, or idea solves your ideal customer’s problem or amends their belief.

In my example, this was the idea that you only have to update your blog a few times a month and use the promotional strategies to get it out there. This shows your prospects that you have a track record for solving that problem.

3. The perfect testimonial provides accomplishments or results.

In my example, that was in increase in traffic from 100 to 1,000 visitors per month.

Now, for legal reasons, you can’t promise that everyone will get those results. Again, be sure to consult a lawyer.

But know that providing specific, truthful results will get your prospects thinking, “I can do that, too!”

So remember, the three parts of The Perfect Testimonial Framework are

1. The Problem (Or Belief)

2. The Solution (Or New Belief)

3. The Result (Or Accomplishment)

Now, I bet you have a few questions… If you’re wondering:

“How many testimonials do I need?”

The answer is a whole lot less than you think. Ideally, you would have one testimonial for each type of customer.

For example, I sell training courses. Freelancers buy them. So do online store owners. And information product sellers. And you can bet I have at least one testimonial from each type of customer.


So that whoever reads my sales material has the opportunity to think, “I am just like that person and I can do that, too.”

Remember, you’re not manipulating people. You’re just connecting the dots. In fact, I’m sure you get emails from prospects that sound like this, “Well, I noticed it worked for so-and-so, but I’m still wondering if it will work for me.”

Prospects want to know what other people who are just like them think about whatever it is you’re selling. This gives them a better idea of whether or not it will work for them.

It’s your job as a salesperson to alleviate their fears and connect those dots.

And finally:

How do you get your clients to give perfect testimonials?

It’s easier than you think, but it’s going to take TIME.

All you have to do is interview them. Send them an in-depth survey, hop on a 45 minute phone call, do anything to be able to ask them several questions so you can get the information you need from them.

When I prepare testimonials, I have someone on the Social Triggers team devote a TON of time to interviewing each potential testimonial. And you know what? It pays dividends because I get PERFECT testimonials.

Before I close out this video, I have a quick question for you:

What was YOUR biggest insight about testimonials and selling from this video? Leave a comment.

Also, do you know anyone who can benefit from The Perfect Testimonial Framework?

Feel free to send them a link to this video. You’ll be helping me out by spreading the word of Social Triggers. You’ll also be helping them out because you’re giving them great stuff.

Now the most important part of this video is this: Make sure you take action now that you’ve learned the Perfect Testimonial Framework.

As I said earlier, I believe people who learn how to sell make a better living, have more fulfilling lives, and reap the majority of rewards while others fight for scraps.

This is just ONE PART of learning how to nail your next pitch.. And I want you to do it with flying colors.

So, get to work!

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104 comments Leave a comment

Testimonials are there to alleviate the fears of prospects. That lesson will stick with me for the rest of my life. Before, I thought that it’s just about getting more sales. I understand now that testimonials can help prospects feel at ease. A customer will say “This will work for me too.” Thanks for the video, Derek.


First, awesome tips, I wrote it all down. But I also have a question. What to do when just launching my first online product (in a month)? I mean I have zero testimonials, because it is brand new. I have been thinking about giving it free to some industry influencers and ask a testimonial for return (I have seen others doing that). Do you think it is a great idea or not? The only problem is that I don’t know these people personally, I have just been following them and brought some of their products as well. So I am not even sure how to approach them.


Hi Derek!

Great video – as usual.

I was just talking to a friend about this. Because for years I was coaching women about personal matters, I never ever asked for testimonials.

I finally started to ask — especially since I was advising others to do so — and clients were happy to share.



Interesting and thank you for the video! I love the point about knowing you need a testimonial for each ‘type’ of customer. That makes so much more sense… logical, but I guess I just needed to hear it!

Sandra Lemming

Okay so I understand the testimonial phase for your business now. This will be tricky for my type of business as I sell aloe vera based products in the health and beauty filed and for legal reasons I have declined from having testimonials on my website or attached to the sales process at all.

I had heard others say in our industry you cannot show display peoples personal testimonials for legal reasons. Do you think I will still be able to grow my aloe product business without testimonials?

Simon Granner

I used to think you just pop up a video and “praise them” like you talked about in your video. This framework solved the problem of the crappy testimonial. Very basic and specific. Just created my first one using this framework. Thanks Derek.


Getting a testimonial for each type of customer as well as well as testimonials that point out the successful track record of your product or service were the two main points I walked away with from this video. Bravo! I cant wait to implement this.


WOW, great comparison contrast Derek. There is a huge difference. I have lots of people I can interview for testimonials, but NOW I see that I need to ask the right questions.

Thank you!

charlotte crowder

I thought you just left your testimonials to Fate. I am completely hopeless when it comes to selling. I hate it. I’m bad at it, and I truly do live off scraps wondering how everybody else is making it. I wonder how people can have a crappy product with crappy service and rake in the dough. But I have a product that I really believe in. you could literally be helpful to everyone. and that is why I’ve been watching your videos, because I have to sell this. I have to make it work. So I can clearly see how to structure the testimonials, but I’m a little fuzzy about the interviewing process. Do you just recorded them and then take excerpts from what they say?

Annie Hawkins

Hi Derek, I am a real estate broker, and I get testimonials that I put on my site, and I get reviews on Yelp. I didn’t know until now about using this strategy to get better testimonials. Thanks

millo lailang

Really helpful tips Derek. Problems, solutions and results. I’ll remember that. I love your presentations. Is it possible to get testimonials by asking the customers to write them in the comments section?


Do you think that people should be “paid” in some way for giving a testimonial? For example, offering some of your service in exchange for a testimonial?

Brodie Tyler

I’m surprised at how often businesses are shy about asking for testimonials. I don’t think customers are ever bothered by the request (depending on how that request is made, of course). Plus, if they truly appreciated the product or service, people are happy and even eager to say as much!


The biggest takeaway for me: how pivotal testimonials really are! I’ve skimmed through testimonials before, and realized that I unconsciously look for the 3 elements Derek kindly points out. The ones that are compliments with vague promises are the ones I just mark off as fluff, and move on. This makes total sense, and I can’t wait to implement these steps. Thanks again, man!

Mike the Gardener

The first thing that stood out in the bad testimonial was the fact he went through it 5 times and learned something new each time … makes it sound complicated, at least to me anyway.

Gary Fieber

This video was great because it detailed exactly what a testimonial should contain and the fact that each product should have its own testimonial. Clear and concise.


Hi there,

I’ve enjoyed your video here and very interested to follow your suggestions. I just want to know if you have an interview structure to get good testimonials?
Thanks in advance



Do you have a tool or system to help achieve these testimonials?


Hi Derek! This was a very timely video as I’ve recently realized I need more testimonials. I get a lot of positive feedback via email, FB messages, etc. But nothing solid enough to put on my website. I’m in the process of implementing the strategy/framework you spoke about in the video. We’ll see how it goes! Thank you for being awesome.


Derek! Wow….Who knew that there was a testimonial framework?? Of course there is.. Makes perfect sense. Now I have to start from scratch with my testimonials, but glad to have the framework to follow. Love You Man!.. Going to retweet this on twitter right about now!

AJ & Serenity Services

Excellent work Derek! You continue to deliver awesome videos! I always knew that testimonials were important since they serve as social proof and help build trust with your clients. However, the best insight I got from this video was to make sure to have at least one testimonial for each type of visitor (different strokes for different folks). After all, the more analytical prospects may prefer to see specific stats and other relevant data while others may be more interested in seeing if anyone else had their same fears or concerns.

Jason Gracia

This was excellent, Derek. Short, sweet, and spot on. Best insight: Create at least one testimonial for each type of prospect.

Arlanda Rayne

Hey Derek ~ Love your work. Simple and Common Sense but such an eye opener to realize that I’ve been getting all excited when someone says something nice about me but doesn’t actually express the problem they were looking to solve, the solution that my course offered, and the results they walked away with.

The Get In Shape Girl

I have people email me from time to time asking about their situation and if I can help them. They are folks who need to lose a lot of weight, like 100 lbs or more. This is not my ideal client, and I don’t have any testimonials from this kind of client either. yet they still ask. I’m not going to turn these people away, but I don’t care to attract them either. Any advice there?

Sean D'Souza

No one, Derek?

I have written a book called The Brain Audit. That was written in 2001. And in that you can see a whole chapter on testimonials. And in that it features the concept of “reverse testimonials”.

The “perfect testimonial” that you’re talking about has a name, and has existed for a long time. And there are “six” parts to the perfect testimonial.

And then, there’s a whole book on testimonials. It’s called the “Secret Life of Testimonials”. You can find that too, if you look for Psychotactics and testimonials.

There’s a precise science to testimonials, and I can assure you it’s been done before.


    Hi Sean,
    Thank you very much for your input.
    This kind of dialogue is what makes this ‘comments section’ so valuable !!!
    I do appreciate your participation indeed.
    Thank you very much again Sean – sincerely.

Sean D'Souza

And I don’t agree with your concept of having a lawyer check your testimonials. We have thousands of testimonials for our products and services every year.

We’d have to keep our lawyer on staff or pay a very, very big chunk to a lawyer just to to that.

In fact, the testimonials we get are often 2000 words long. Try running a lawyer through that. They’ll get it down to 20! So your advice is actually quite the opposite of what we’ve experienced with our clients.

And we’ve been in business online since the “dawn of time” (well, since the year 2000).

    Ximena | Glisalis

    Absolutely have a lawyer review your testimonials!

    At the very least be aware of potential legal problems–you cannot put up anything, including a testimonial, that reads like a promise you can’t keep.

    If your testimonial reads, “This will boost your income by six figures just like it did for me!” you can bet you’ll run into legal problems when the next person doesn’t get the same results. There is so much to learn about legal liability–time to get really curious!

    xo Ximena (he-mena)


Well timed video. I’m just thinking about how I can use video testimonials to further promote my fiction book. Although it’s not quite the product/service type you’re talking about, I think the framework is still useful and can be achieved by asking the right questions to get that problem/solution/result testimonial.

Tanya Marlow

I don’t have testimonials on my blog (because I write on suffering and the Bible and so it’s a quiet, meditative kinda spot and – ick! – I don’t feel like I should be selling ‘myself’… Half of me thinks I probably ought to in order to get more traffic – the other half of me is just too repulsed at the thought. I am British, I ought to add. It’s a bit counter cultural.) If I were to offer an ecourse I would definitely do testimonies, though.

The main thing I learnt is that I GIVE perfect testimonials to others without realising how I was doing it! It’s nice to know that I’ve been able to help people in this way, because I love to cheer good people and good things on.mThis will help me to be more intentional in future.


Hey Derek,
I enjoyed your video and I completely agree. My question is, what if you don’t solve a direct problem. I’m a singer and artist. How do you get testimonials for music? Is it even necessary?


This video is an eye opener to testimonial, i’m impressed, thanks Derek.


Great video as always Derek. Will be using this when I get round to updating my testimonials.
Funny how a lot of your wisdom is counter intuitive. You would think the perfect testimonial would be someone blowing smoke up your ass but not so.


Perfect timing. Just this week I started asking my clients for testimonials for my services as a personal trainer. I’ll be using this format to ensure I get the most out of them without having to manipulate the actual testimonial from my clients. Great stuff… as usual.


Derek, thanks for this framework, it’s great. My biggest insight: Use one testimonial for each customer type.


Derek, YOU ROCK! I know that sucks as a testimonial but it’s true nonetheless! Thanks for your continued actionable information. Also the $310 haircut is still looking sharp…..


I had a client email me about an hour after your video asking if I wanted a testimonial from her. So I waited until I watched your vid, wrote down the three steps, and shot her another one asking for a short 2-3 sentence testimonial that covered the three points.

My biggest takeaway was a huge DUH moment. I totally need to identify each customer type and make sure I have a testimonial that covers that for each sales page. I don’t know why that wasn’t obvious to me before… but you live and you learn.


Moses Yoon

Photos and videos are better than text.
Focus your testimonials on people you are targeting anyways. You can’t try to focus on (everyone) type A, team oriented, fun oriented, analytical, but chances are most people are only going to go through a few. So have few that are powerful. Sometimes 1 testimonial from someone well known and credible help you quite a bit since many people are naturally drawn to leaders and will do what they do.

David Kadavy

My biggest takeaway was that it helps if you actually interview people to get good testimonials. It seems so obvious in retrospect!


Interesting tip ti have a legal expert review testimonials. You think because of the apparent trust in a testimonial it would stand on its own. Much more to it below the surface.

John Honovich

Can you share a link to the testimonials your use / include so we can see what they look like / how they are done? Thanks.


Thanks Derek. Excited that you only really need one testimonial per customer type. PS I’m a B-schooler and absolutely loved your ‘part’ in the series.

David Gamut

Can you go more into how you structure your interviews and surveys for testimonials?

Maybe in a follow up video or even just here possibly?


WW. Bridges

We use testimonials on our landing pages and seem to do well with conversions. I would be interested to know if you had any suggestions how we could tweak it even more. We currently have only 2 audio testimonials and have many more. I just don’t want to get to the point of overwhelming potential customers with testimonial overload.


Nice – and thank you !!!
Every single time I read / watch a Blog post from you – I invariably learn something new.
How do you do it? I am an expert in my field and I struggle to come up with new ideas for Blog posts.
Do you have a framework / recipe / guideline / etc., that you use to help you come up with new ideas?
Perhaps you could write / film a Blog post answering this question.
Thank you very much again – and thank you very much in advance Derek 😉

Glenn Wells

1: Thank you very much indeed.
2: That is one nice haircut you have there.

Adam Roseland

ugh.. cant stop looking at the shoulders of the suit coat? Why do the arms go higher than the shoulders???

Good video, but that is extremely distracting. A good salesperson notices things like that! 😉

    Derek Halpern

    You’re right. A good salesperson would notice something like that. Do you know why?

    Because it’s called roped shoulders and it’s the mark of either a) a nice italian suit, or b) a custom fitted – and expensive – suit.

    So when you see them, you should think, “This guy has money to spend.”

    But I don’t think you meant it that way.

    And it’s time to up your suit / blazer game 😉

    read more here:



      Nice suit, definitely not custom though. Did you choose the rope shoulder intentionally? I like it, but you could rock a natural shoulder too since you have broad shoulders. No padding or rope needed, especially if you’re going to wear jackets casually (without a tie).



        Follow up – why not go custom? If you can afford it, it’s so worth it! Michael Andrews Bespoke would be a good place to visit in NYC…

          Greg Hoffman

          Suits are for weddings and funerals.

      Adam Roseland

      Advantage Halpern!

      Certainly not my style, but now I know that when I see that… that guy is kind of a big deal.


      Boom! Roasted


My take away seems like a no brainer –
1) Realized a testimonial is not just a testimonial. Also,
2) Be deliberate about everything. EVERYTHING.
3) Reread our testimonials and we’re not terrible, but could rework them.

Thanks Derek for sharing on such a simple topic.


Awesome video! I like the 3-point framework of the testiomonial. Question:

Q: Is this a good strategy in our testimonial page
http://www.hornetjuice.com/testimonials/ ?After every testimonial we have a “point of action” button that relates to the specific testimonial (eg “I want to run faster like (name of customer who gave testimonial)”.

    Ray Mitchell

    Rina – Great idea of catching the reader’s aspirations, particularly with a product that promises health/vigor… No one wants to “be slow and dumpy like Mergatroid”.


      Thanks Ray, they are all 100% genuine by the way and in my email marketing campaigns I ask for their testimonials.

Arman Assadi

Hey Derek,

Solid work man! Great way to structure out the testimonial into three pieces—I love me some frameworks. Most valuable part for me was the advice to have one testimonial for each type of customer. Going forward I’ll be using the framework with each new testimonial. Thanks!


Been waiting for this video to come out, as I’ve been collecting testimonials but unsure what to do with them…Great stuff!

Any recommendations on how to get these testimonials out in the open, so your prospects easily see what others are saying? With info products it makes sense to feature it right on the home page, but for physical products, does the same apply?

Thoughts on this testimonial??
– “So happy with the quality and overall appearance of the watch in person, the black and maple go so well together. It’s a head turner for sure. Very comfortable, not even a hair puller of a band so far, which is excellent for us hairy gents. You can see and feel the quality. If you are looking for the perfect wooden watch, look no further. Original Grain is the way to go. You can have great style for an affordable price. Two thumbs way up! 5 stars!! Well done.” –

Janet Falk

Great enthusiasm and insights as always.

I’m proud to say that the testimonials on my website offer results. Plus, the page with the newsletters suggests if readers subscribe, they will get actionable ideas.

Janet Falk

Mridu Parikh

What really hit home for me was having a testimonial for each type of person that will go to your site. Seems obvious…yet I never even thought of that! Thanks Derek!

Marcy Diaz

What really impressed me with your process is the time you spend on an interview to generate the testimonial feedback, and that you say it’s worth the time. I need to rethink how I ask clients for feedback.
Like Andrea, I’ve used a feedback form that doesn’t seem to ask the right questions, but Melissa’s sample email may help. And answering “what problem did the client have” is a fantastic tip. Your videos are always worth a watch or two.
(And I read Chris Brogan and Seth Godin, so their testimony works for me. 🙂

Sarah Jordan

This is such a helpful video Derek! I love that you recommended one testimonial per type of customer. The bells went off in my head and I’m off to set up “interviews” for my next big venture.

connie curtis

I wouldnt think there is a bad testimonial. Right now I am starting a new service so I havent had a customer what do you recommend in this case?

    Evie Burke


    Have you worked with people in a similar way before? In a previous job or in some other way? If so, ask them for a testimonial.

    Otherwise, work on getting your first client or two and later ask them for testimonials.

    And you don’t have to wait until they’re finished working with you to ask for a testimonial. If they are at really good spot and really happy with your work, ask them then! Capture their enthusiasm.


I had been aware of getting a perfect testimonial framework but I’m afraid I might end up coaching a customer into going that route as opposed to saying im awesome etc which I feel is getting a false testimonial.

If they give me something and I ask them to alter it is that essentially me writing a fake testimonial?



Biggest insight – Testimonials need to focus on the person reading them not the product. Marketing basics here, but I’d completely missed this.

Another great video – thanks 🙂

    Derek Halpern

    Nice. Love hearing that.

James Zedd

Biggest insight was highlighting the problem, plus providing numbers about how your product/service solved the problem. Used to think that a good testimonial was just a satisfied customer thanking you. Great video Derek.


Starting a testimonials on my website and yelp. Maybe some forums and blogs; thank you this is really helpful. Keep the emails coming for more updates. Thanks again Derek.

Connie Habash

Derek, I had been thinking about creating a survey for an upcoming workshop for this very reason, and you helped me realize that I can ask questions that drive the answers towards what I need for testimonials! Brilliant! (like, how do this class create positive change in your life?)

In fact, I think I’ll survey the students in my current yoga teacher training program. Thanks!


The framework. Now I know how to seek testimonials, not just say “How did it help you?”


Licia Morelli - Clairvoyant Psychic & Life Coach


Restructuring commencing! I had super selling point testimonials buried at the bottom of my testimonial page without even realizing it! No bueno! This video showed me that they need to be highlighted – I now have a greater understanding of how my testimonials can show my “tire kickers” that they can pull the trigger to buy because I can meet a need that they have – once again, Derek, the clarity and ease from which you teach is always a welcome breath of fresh air! Keep up the good work and off I go to keep getting those perfect testimonials! xoxo, Licia


Thanks for this video! I am a new subscriber and I must say, I enjoy both your communication style and content!


Great video. You already got me thinking about getting those testimonial videos going. Thanks


I love this Derek! I’ve gotten a few near perfect testimonials and every time I look at them I smile. It’s also great to know that you don’t need a million of them. As a new business owner it has always been a stressor that I don’t have pages of testimonials. It’s about quality not quantity, right?

Melissa Breau (@MelissaBreau)

Hey Derek,

Since it’s so on subject, thought I’d share how I solicit testimonials. I do a “client survey” at the end of *every* project, using the form letter below.

Then when they tell me EXACTLY the information you mention in the video (what their problems where, how i helped, etc) I group those sentences together and say something like “Thanks for your feedback. Would you mind if I used this as a testimonial on my site?” I’ve yet to have someone say no.


In an effort to always give you my best work I’d really appreciate if you could take the time to answer the five short questions below—your input is invaluable in helping me offer you better service and I’d really appreciate any feedback you can provide. Thanks for your business this year and I look forward to working with you in the future.


How did you find me initially (if you remember)?

How has my work helped you? Please be specific.

What were your challenges before finding my business?

Why did you decide to work with me over my competitors?

Were you satisfied with the work I did for you this year? What do you think I could do better?


    Thanks for this Melissa! As I watched the video, I was thinking it would be awesome to have some sort of framework for soliciting great testimonials. I’m going to try this 🙂

    Evie Burke

    Great example Melissa!

    And a great reason to always read the comments 🙂

    Gives me something to think about as I restructure/redo how I ask for testimonials.


    Thanks for sharing your form letter. I love it! I don’t have testimonials on my site…yet…but I’ll definitely start working on them now!


    Great and direct! Thank you for sharing!


Derek, in the past my clients told me to write the testimonial myself and they’ll sign it. But they don’t follow your three steps. Should I re-write them and send to my clients to approve? Or ask them to do it? Since you recommend only using a few tesimonials (1 for each customer type) what do you think about changing them up every once in a while so if a prospect goes to the website several times over a few months, they will see different ones (my sales cycle is very long, so this is common). Another great video. Thanks.

Andrea Veda - LifeAfterBread Health Coaching

I need to go back and re-write my feedback form for testimonials! I also think hopping on a skype call is a better way to do this and I’m looking forward to trying this now – thanks as usual, Derek for giving me a “Duh, why haven’t I done that yet?” moment!

Derek – what is your advice on clients who do not want to be identified?
As a health coach, client confidentiality often means people are very happy to give a testimonial but reluctant to be fully identified…

    Derek Halpern

    When dealing with those clients, you can always offer to change their name.

Dahna Chandler

We’re doing this right, for the most part but this gives us a stronger framework. Keep up the excellent work, Derek. I learn something I can use every time I visit your site (information that generates strong results) and it’s not a waste of time being here. 🙂

Nick Kizirnis

The biggest takeaway from this clip for me was that the testimonial must communicate the value delivered. Shouldn’t I know that? Well, I suppose, but my testimonials are still weak.

This is a great framework, but now I’ve got to figure out how do I adapt that to our yoga studio, and to my music gigs/recordings, which I think are more challenging to quantify. Losing weight would be a good one, but doesn’t really apply. And my recordings do rock, but we aren’t saving lives with it.

Thanks for a great video!

    Melissa Breau (@MelissaBreau)

    Nick — Think about the problem the client is trying to solve when choosing a yoga studio — maybe it’s that they don’t know any real yoga poses yet, in which case a perfect testimonial would explain how someone who was worried they wouldn’t know what they were doing and would feel lost felt welcomed and how helpful they found the instructor; or perhaps for an advanced class you could talk about how a student had been practicing yoga but knew something was off about their postures/breathing and the expert instructor helped them pinpoint and move forward.

    For music gigs — maybe the issue is around ease to work with, professional during set up /break down, etc.

    – Melissa

      Nick Kizirnis

      Thank you Melissa! I think those are really good points, and I think we can get those through interviews without a problem. As for the music gigs, I am very professional to work with, so i think that’s a good start. You and Derek have definitely got my gears turning. Thanks!

        Derek Halpern

        Love seeing the inspiration come from the readers in the comments.


This video rocks, Derek. I have a healthy food blog and used to do local restaurant reviews for a while, now only occasionally. I used the “horrible” testimonial method before and love the idea of the new “perfect” one. It’s like the perfect selling tool, only sort of disguised.

On an unrelated note, just for my amusement, I think I’m going to count how many times you used the word “testimonial” in that video.

The most helpful part for me was the idea of how to get the testimonial, by interviewing…of course, there must be editing and permission involved, but it’s a surefire way to get what you want said for you!

Thanks. Will craft some new testimonials soon!

    Derek Halpern



My take-away. Provide testimonials for each of our targeted groups. Good stuff Derek.

P.S. Hair is looking good, did you drop another 3 bills or was that a free touch up?

    Derek Halpern

    Good takeaway Phil. Now spread the word 😀

Ricky Hasan

Prior to this video, I was stuck with the mindset of traditional testimonials of this product is great and would def recommend this to anyone.. After this video, I realized that the “emotional benefit” that our potential customers would personally relate to was missing in our current testimonials. Def have some work to do on our reviews/testimonial section of our website: http://www.tritecfootwear.com.


It’s really the same framework as any great piece of copy, or any good speech for that matter – state the problem, state the solution, state the new bliss. But probably not that many people think about using that framework for a testimonial – they’re just happy with whatever they can get (guilty). Good tips Derek.


    When I ask my clients for testimonials I carefully point them in this direction by asking the right questions. And I get very good testimonials (or so I think).

Quentin Sabanowski

Your testimonial on the home page is great because the author has strong influence. It counts to make it perfect. Would you put a testimonial from somebody unknown even if it fits the right category? I work with local business internationally and I am always wary of the fact nobody will know them so it could almost work in my defavor.

    Derek Halpern

    Actually, the testimonial on the home page here is a bad one. I’ve just been too lazy to change it. I do appreciate Chris for saying that though 😉

    You’ll never see a testimonial like that on a sales page though.

      Rich Page

      Derek – I disagree… I think the Chris Brogan testimonial you have on your homepage is in a different class – its from an expert/famous person. This immediately gives the testimonial much more influence/power, regardless of what they are saying in it. I think you should keep that and add a testimonial that adds value to the reader (like you are explaining).

      Rich Page

        Derek Halpern

        You’d be surprised at how few people know who Chris Brogan is. You’d be surprised to know how few people know who Seth Godin is. You’d be even more surprised to know how few people know who the vice president is.

        A testimonial from a famous person works, but it should never be expected. You’re better off doing what I talked about in this video.

        Let me share the genesis of why I have the Chris Brogan testimonial on the site… and why it stayed there.

        When I did my first site review, I knew Chris Brogan was going to email his entire blog subscriber base about Social Triggers. Since Chris Brogan was emailing his entire subscriber base about Social Triggers, I thought, “I better put a testimonial from Chris on my website.”

        I knew his people would be coming over, and seeing a familiar name would seal the deal.

        And then I left it there because I haven’t changed my web design since I launched. 😉

          Rich Page

          Very interesting story. I think you would be surprised about how many people actually have heard of Chris Brogan online (and Seth Godin). He is nearly as famous as you 😉

          And how the hell do you get time to reply to everyone so quickly? I swear they have cloned you about five times…


          That is clever!

          What really hit home for me was having a testimonial for each type of person that will go to your site aka a freelancer, store owner, or information product salesperson. Hello! Seems obvious but I never even thought of that! Thanks Derek bear! 🙂

          Monica Lee

          You are so funny, Derek! You always make me chuckle! I know who Chris is…and I do think it gives you social proof. Seeing you on the Rise to the Top helped me to “get you” and appreciate you and what you are trying to accomplish through Social Triggers.
          It was harder for me to sell the first run of my e-course so bringing on “famous” guests from my community helped initially. I am getting better at ASKING for them now. I think it is a female thing-asking for what we want and need can be tricky.
          PS Isn’t Hilary the vice president?

Shaleen Sharma

Interestingly just yesterday I was reading about a book author who destroyed his own paid reddit campaign. What he confessed to doing was market a book on reddit (with product link to amazon). While he got pleanty of hit, If I remember correctly he only sold 4 units. Why?? His book didn’t have testimonials/reviews. Hope this suppliments your point Derek.

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