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Your Day 5 Assignment

For today’s assignment I’m sending you on a walking lunch. I want you to experience how walking WITH someone builds trust - the foundation of any strong relationship.

Or as Mark Twain put it:

“The true charm of pedestrianism does not lie in the walking, or in the scenery, but in the talking.”
Mark Twain
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And I hope you’ll get to experience this today… But first, let me ask:

Did you invite someone for lunch?

If you HAVE already invited someone - great, you followed the instructions on the Welcome Page, so you can jump to Step 5.

If you have NOT invited anyone or no one was available - don’t worry. Just start with Step 1...


Step 1: Invite someone for a lunch walk

The goal of this assignment is to walk WITH someone…

Almost anyone you choose is fine. So, even though you don't have a lunch lined up, I still want you to complete this assignment.

Since you have to find someone on short notice, here are your options:

Now I know, if this is someone you don't consider a "friend", asking them out for lunch might feel strange. But really, what's the worst that could happen? They might say “No”. No big deal.

So, don’t overthink it. You can just say something like this:

Hey, how's it going. I know this is on short notice, but I'm wondering: Are you doing anything for lunch today? I'm doing this walking challenge and today's assignment is to invite someone on a walking lunch. So, I thought of you. It will be fun and I'm happy to buy you coffee! Are you free?

The most likely outcome is that you'll MAKE THEIR DAY. And if they're free, they'll be happy to join you.


Step 2 (Bonus): If you want to discover the hidden value in the network you already have, also try this...

It’s probably too late to do this today. But here’s what I want you to do for another day...

You see, inviting your best friend is a little too easy. And besides the point. On the other hand, inviting a random “influencer” might work, but there’s also a bigger chance they’ll turn you down. Plus it’s got to be someone who’s close enough you can actually meet up with.

So instead, use this tip from Adam Grant (he’s a Wharton professor and author of Give And Take - one of my favorite books on networking):

Invite a person who is someone that Grant calls a “Dormant Tie”. I’ll explain…

A dormant tie is someone you used to know, but have since lost touch with. Think of a former colleague, neighbor, or even a childhood friend. So it’s a connection you already have, but it’s been inactive for a while.

Why is it smart to reach out to a dormant tie?

Well for one, the shared history makes it more comfortable to reach out and re-connect.

More importantly, a dormant tie will have more NEW information to share with you than someone you currently know very well. And you’ll have new experiences and insights to share, too. It’s a win-win situation.

If you combine the idea of dormant ties with walking, you’ll uncover hidden value in the network you already have…


Step 3 (Bonus): Send your invitation

Once you pick a “dormant tie” you’d like to walk with, send them an invitation. Here’s a word for word script you can use:


Hope you’re doing well. It’s been way too long since we talked!

I’m wondering: Would you like to meet up for lunch on [DAY]?

I’d love to catch up and hear what you’ve been up to. Let me know if you’re available and we can figure it out!

Talk soon,

Of course you can send your own personalized message. Good luck!


Step 4: Choose a location

Once you’ve found someone to walk with, choose a location in a walking friendly neighborhood or a park. Here are some ideas:

If it seems like there are no good options available, keep it simple: Just walk around the block, wherever you’re meeting up!


Step 5: Walk together for 20 minutes

After you meet up and have lunch with your friend or colleague, go on a short walk together.

If you think this will feel awkward, I’ve got a solution for you: Suggest to get coffee at a coffee shop near by. This way you have a reason to walk together.

And then, instead of just sitting down to eat or drink, just say:

“How about we walk around the block/park/lake and talk?”

Finally, here are some tips to spark an interesting conversation...

To kick off an insightful conversation, here are some good questions to ask:

Be curious and ask the questions above. But don't turn it into an interview. What I like to do is this: I'll ask a question, LISTEN to their response, and then offer my own thoughts on the subject. That way, the conversation stays interesting for both sides.

And keep in mind:

This is not a business meeting. So don’t have an agenda. Just have fun and be curious about what your walking partner has been up.


Step 6: Prepare to get up 1 hour early tomorrow!

This step is for tomorrow's assignment. Because tomorrow I'm sending you on a morning walk. So, set your alarm for 1 hour earlier than you usually get up.

It will be Saturday, I know...

Whatever time you usually get up, prepare to get up 1 hour earlier, so you have time to complete tomorrow's assignment.

Cool? Set your alarm now. And good luck with today’s assignment!

So who did you invite? And how did the meeting go? Leave a comment below: