Comments on: Ever been offered $500 for a $5000 job? Here’s why people think they can under pay you… Internet Marketing Strategy Sat, 19 Oct 2019 08:06:45 +0000 hourly 1 By: Kerstin Martin Wed, 29 Mar 2017 19:29:03 +0000 So true. I have a pricing page for my web design services and a sales page for my e-courses and I’ve always been very open about my rates. I never contact someone who has no info whatsoever about their prices, if they are vague about it I automatically assume they are expensive. I raised my feed over time but am always transparent. And I’ve had a steady stream of clients since day one 🙂

By: Jaime Tue, 21 Feb 2017 15:54:48 +0000 Would this work for a welding business too? My husband is trying to build his business and hasn’t made a website yet. So far, he has booked one job from a Google search and a few others from word of mouth. I really want to help him amp up his marketing.

By: Long John Logo Sat, 14 Jan 2017 21:52:28 +0000 Thanks Derek, for giving me some more motivation to get my sales pages amped up to the next level!

By: Richard c Mon, 19 Dec 2016 16:11:37 +0000 Hey laura. I was just passing through and I noticed your great comment. I too, am a freelancer. The bouquets you make, I am sure are beautiful. Why not take a picture of a few that are different sizes and provide price points (a bouquet this size costs etc) this might give you and the client a starting point
Good luck.

By: Buddy Wed, 14 Dec 2016 02:32:34 +0000 Yo, great stuff! But yes it looks like your infusionsoft / leadpages thingy is broken 😉

By: Jamie Wed, 30 Nov 2016 15:36:53 +0000 Raise your prices first. Specifically, raise them to the highest price for a reasonable set of options. Use the most expensive color or other option, to create a price that won’t cause you a loss if the customer chooses something else and wants the same price.

Customers don’t want the very lowest price, they want to balance their budgets, time, and energy. If you can give them a straightforward price while your competitors wait for consultations, the convenience factor will increase your business many times over.

Once you have understandable prices set, a sales page is easy. 🙂

By: Bree Wed, 30 Nov 2016 06:36:49 +0000 Is this Laura Hoppe?

By: Jon Coward Mon, 28 Nov 2016 03:41:13 +0000 Laura, you have to change your frame of mind. Those people that run off are not lost business -they are time-wasters that never were going to be business. They just collect bids and go with me cheapest one and end up disappointed . When somebody asks me or my sales reps for a rough web design quote or rough SEO estimate, I tell them I need to set up an appointment with them to discuss their needs and their business. When they push for a rough estimate, I merely ask them how much does rope cost? The reply is usually “How much rope, what kind of rope, rope to use for what?”

My answer is then, “Exactly’.

Anyone who doesn’t realize that is not going to pay enough money anyway so they are time-wasters and not lost business. If they won’t take time to really determine their needs for a fair price then you should run.

By: Laura Sun, 27 Nov 2016 16:47:29 +0000 How can a sales page work on wedding bouquets that are custom made? I am a floral designer and brides ask for a quote all the time. When i tell them it depends on color, style, numbers of bouquets boutonniers corsages centerpieces etc as well as type of flowers and their costs those brides dont come back when i suggest we set up a budget or do a consult. I loose a lot of business because of it. Can some kind of sales page work for me without knowing what they need or want. We do not have pre made as even a certain color can change the cost.

By: Natasha Sat, 26 Nov 2016 22:02:36 +0000 I’ve just come across your site and wanted to say how much I’m enjoying reading it. Love the way you write. Thank you!
