Comments on: What should you do when your family doesn’t support your passion? Say this. And checkmate. Internet Marketing Strategy Sat, 19 Oct 2019 08:06:45 +0000 hourly 1 By: yvonne Sun, 08 Jan 2017 23:57:57 +0000 This a great video,love your bubbly happy spirit.However the problem is not lack of support towards a career change,its actually everything. My family doesn’t support me period!. I moved to a bigger city all by myself after selling everything to start off fresh ,by the time I paid for everything I was left with few rands to get me started,i didn’t have any job lined up except an interview for a Sales consultant and I never got the job as they couldn’t pay the figure I asked.I never knew this city, never been here,just came with a few bags ,booked my accomodation online and left my text books and some important stuff in storage,my heart told me to go,my back was against the wall ,it was this leap of faith or nothing!! I nvr got so much as a call to see if I was ok.Its been 2 years living alone supporting myself and I work 3 jobs ,1st as a corporate Membership Advisor at a cooperate Gym,the 2nd as a Hostess Waitress at the biggest Nightclub in this City the 3 Rd I started a Beauty salon of my own from massages to selling equipment, products,beauty services, bridal hair etc.All this to fund a concept Beauty salon that I’ve already started to be the ” gravy train towards my passion of being a creative fashion designer,a dream I wanna turn into reality,I barely sleep,sometimes I work back to back all 3,which leaves me with no social life or to see my long term partner who barely sees me.Im nearly there but I still get comments that I’m offended by,so I stay away,in actual fact living away from my family whom I love dearly,was kinda like being on a high mountain top,i saw things more clearly,i got to see who my friends were,i got to see my family’s other side that to this day I’m having a hard time to cope with.However I am focussed ,i am very driven, I don’t know anything but to fight for this to be thriving in a positive way forward.I tell myself the people that treated me do bad will one day eat those words and apologize, but apologies dont exist to my family especially. I think we all have one life,that the great Lord Above gave us,so live it,fullfill your purpose take care of your body,your family and your health and if even if family turns their back on you,as the way I’ve experienced, leave your door open to them always as it will forever be your blessing and make you the strongest of all them emotionally.Thank you for the happy it made me very Happy.

By: Nathan Fri, 02 Dec 2016 15:27:45 +0000 This seems like it’s more for when your family is outrightly against you. What if they aren’t? What if it’s just that they basically go “Oh, yeah, that’s nice.” and ask you how it’s going every once in a while, but they don’t really care. Or they don’t really help you in any way.
My mother is super supportive of me, but the rest of my family just doesn’t seem to care. They don’t care about my interests, they don’t care about what I’m doing, they don’t care. They have only recently started asking me about one of my interests and it feels more like they ask because they feel they have to, not because they actually care about it.
I love my family so much and I have always tried to support and encourage them in any way I can. It just hurts when they don’t do the same.
I don’t want a situation where my family won’t be supportive until I’m successful because I’m just gonna want to block them out after that. They should have supported me now, rather than wait until I’ve made it somehow.

This all sounds horrible, but it’s more how I feel I guess. I love them and I don’t want to block them out, but I also don’t want to share my success or anything with them once I finally am if they don’t care until then.

By: Cheryl Culbreath Wed, 26 Oct 2016 12:00:15 +0000 I am a 47 year old married to an amazing man who owns a sign business and it’s going well. A new grandbaby and an awesome son with a girl friend who is great. I explained to my friends how I do not want the stress off working in corporate anymore. I decided to be a travel agent to go along with my hobby of decorating parties and events. I and my friends love to travel and I am great with people socially and very outgoing. Always having gatherings at my home and friends love to come. They eat drink play games cards watch the big screen and socialize all day for free. They even network to gain employees and business. They have a great time and my family enjoy happiness
They call me all the time with issues and conversation and I support them with there business and pay for services. If they need me for moral support I’m there. Problems they have I listen and help. I’m there to support them in every way.
I ask for each one to register on my travel website its free to register–No one did it.
Use me for your travel—No one has
Use me for decorating your next party–They did but didn’t pay.
Instead they will travel and post on FB were they are and what a great time They are having or rent a car from someone and ask me to help them bring it back and take them home. How I handled it.
I did let them know how I felt with no support from them when I’m there for you. I let 2 weeks go by Still communicating with them and still they didn’t register for cheap travel on my site so I removed them from my FB Page and stopped talking to them. I realized they were secret haters who’s businesses were falling or marrages had issues and they didn’t want me to succeed because to them my husband sign business was going good, My marriage had no issues, our home was enviting to hang out with happy times all the time, and a new grandbaby which we adore and love our son and his girl friend mother of grandson unconditionally. Just can’t have secret haters and negativity around me.
Live, Love, Laugh & Travel is my slogan.

By: Jonathan Sat, 06 Feb 2016 16:19:35 +0000 I originally wanted to pursue a career in gaming, and I wanted to start out as a video game tester to work my way up in the video game industry because that is what I was passionate about. I told my father that I wanted to pursue that, and he didn’t like that idea and I should consider doing something else. After that, I just lived a mundune life, and doing a routine that felt the same, and as you explained in the video it was something he didn’t understand because it was unknown to him, and. he thought I would be playing games when in reality I had to play it to check for bugs or some faulty levels etc., so that is why I have triggers with my father. Most of the time, in general, I want to tell my parents what I want to do in regards to my goals, and get their support, but I feel like I will get hurt in the end. I just don’t want to regret living a boring life that is not aligned with me. I want that relationship between me and my parents to be great, but if they don’t support me then it won’t help.

By: Ana Sun, 31 Jan 2016 11:17:34 +0000 I’m really sorry to read that.. my family pushes me to the side too & my plans also dont matter..I also have a brother & I can relate… I know it’s family but I’ve decided to live my life the way it makes me happy without my family’s approval.. distance yourself from then & make it hard for them to look for you.. your distance will speak.. best of luck but you only live once & you also deserve the same love as your brother.. head up & just move forward & screw them! You also matter!

By: Rinn Mon, 19 Oct 2015 12:17:13 +0000 I am in a fairly new relationship, with the most amazing and strong hearted man I have ever met. I got pregnant 1 month after we got together, but have know each other for a long time. We officially got together on September 22nd, 2014. He asked me to marry him on December 26th, 2015 and of course I said yes. I was so excited to tell my family about my engagement hoping that they would be happy for me and help me plan every thing and whatnot. . . Boy was I wrong. 1 week after my fiance proposed to me my “one upping” older brother proposed to his woman. Instantly all of the lovely wedding and engagement attention for me went out the window basically. Everytime I try to talk to someone in my family about how bad it bugs me they would say “just elope.” “you dont want to steal their thunder!” They all forgot about me, they wanted me to just get it over with. At first, when they started doing this, I was prepared for the rude comments because that is all I have ever received from them, they used to think I was Pablo Escobar or something.
But, (I know you should not start a sentence like that) when my daughter was almost due to enter our lives I was told that since I am having a baby I just need to push my wants aside and glorify my brother in his time of love.
All I have to say,…. F*ck that!
One year and one month later I have a beautiful, almost 4 month old baby girl. Still not married, which is fine with me.
Everyday I see stupid 500 picture engagement photo shoots for my brother and his Ashley. If that’s not the worst part, my lovely family shares all of the pictures with nurturing words of advice and love. They probably wouldn’t remember that I am engaged too.
So, even though I was told to share my story of how I dealt/deal with it…. I dont.

What the hell do I do??? I wanted to get married in August of 2016, they changed their date a million times and their wedding is now set for June 2016, in the middle of no where… And my family is going to spend all of this money on their wedding, they probably can’t afford to come to mine which is so close in time.
Even though I was engaged first, I got pushed aside and now I have to wait until 2017 to get married. What kind of horse crap is that?!
My question is, should I really just elope and feel this resentment forever? Or, do I plan my wedding for the next year and hope that people/family will show?

What if they don’t show? What if I plan this big amazing wedding and they all stiff me like they did with my baby shower.
Oh ya, my baby shower that I planned, shopped for, made the invites by hand, and decorated the whole place while 8 months pregnant….
The family who did show, gave me dirty looks the whole time….

I am about done.

By: Cruz Mon, 20 Jul 2015 05:20:55 +0000 Well my story is I’m young and I and kinda a big kid I wanted to lose weight so I started eating better and exercising and it work for a couple of weeks but then all of a sudden I just didn’t want to do it anymore and felt sad I don’t know why but after a couple months I realized it was cause I had no support system no one ever told me I was doing really good or keep it up they just said good job and nothing else the only real support I had was from my sister which I look up to shes leaving for college and I don’t want her to go she helps me with everything she’s taught me so much and I feel like I won’t have anyone just to hang with and just talk to but I know that’s just life but I don’t what to do cause I want to lose weight but I don’t have anyone supporting me but after watching the video I realized I need to support myself and never give up but I know it would be easier if my family was supporting me I hope one day that will support me and my decisions

By: Ryan Sun, 28 Jun 2015 12:04:37 +0000 I am in the network marketing game. My mum has recently joined me and we are both very excited and more so determined to be successful. I’ve learned more about business in my short time in network marketing than in my business university degree and I am developing personally. My dad is 100% against, outright told both me and my mum that it will never work, we’re wasting our time and that my mum should focus back on her business that she started and has run for 15 years (and she hates it). My dad has literally only 15 minutes ago straight up told me that he doesn’t believe in me, I don’t know what I’m talking about, I have no experience, but he ‘hopes’ I prove him wrong. Although I must thank him because he has only fuelled my burning desire to prove him wrong, he has almost ruined his relationship with me, my 2 sisters and my mum these last few weeks/months and I think he is mentally ill/suffers from narcissism. I feel I’ve lost my dad and I have no respect for him with what he’s said and is not willing to listen to me.

I am embarrassed and ashamed to call him my dad… I never realised life could ever be this twisted. I urge every single one of you, whoever it is, do not let them steal your dream. It is not cliche. It is all about perspective. They don’t know what you know or see. If you have a vision, you will achieve it. The mind is more powerful than people realise.

By: Nicole Timmreck Wed, 28 Jan 2015 04:09:35 +0000 I’m presently dealing with this issue, yet again, with the same person in my life. I can’t phase them out of my life because it’s my dad. He is almost constantly a Debby Downer. I guess I was under the assumption that all parents would be excited for their kids to want to attend graduate school (especially when they aren’t paying for it). I recently told my dad the schools I planned on applying to: 3 public universities (2 in the same state as my parents so I could be closer to them) and 3 ivy league. But this idea was not greeted well by him. He proceeded to tell me that I should just graduate my bachelor’s and get a job. I understand where he’s coming from. I’m in my late 20’s and started school late because I was in the military.

Yes, I want to work. I may even take a year and work while preparing for grad school exams and such. But I ended up telling him that nothing could keep me from grad school short of not getting accepted. My parents have learned (because this kind of thing happens a lot) that no matter what they say, if I want to do something, I’m doing it.

By: Artist in Making Tue, 08 Jul 2014 17:06:59 +0000 I know how you feel. I am going through that right now.
some relatives and friends are unsupportive.

I am ignoring them and working towards my goals.
Nice to hear that someone else perservered and is following their dreams.

Artist in making
