Comments on: How “Sound Bites” Score You Web Traffic Internet Marketing Strategy Sat, 19 Oct 2019 08:06:45 +0000 hourly 1 By: Sarah Liddle Wed, 11 Nov 2015 00:36:19 +0000 I love sound bites, however I haven’t heard of “Violate Expectations” before, but I can see how this can be an effective strategy in a sound bite…. Something to think about…
Thanks for providing the value Derek!

By: Holliday Vann Sun, 11 Jan 2015 21:59:14 +0000 As a writer, I think that I do this naturally. But, it’s great to be reminded just how effective sound bites can be! Thanks for the surge in motivation, Derek!

By: Timothy B. Miller Sun, 07 Dec 2014 22:55:22 +0000 Interesting Derek, never heard this before, but makes good sense. Thanks for sharing ideas about sound bites. Good job Dude!

By: Jordan Tue, 18 Mar 2014 22:34:12 +0000 Derek,

This is one of you better posts. Lots of detail on how we an create sound bites for our blog posts. Like headlines, creating a catchy sound bite takes some time and you’ve laid out some great ways to do so.

By: John Anselmo Mon, 29 Apr 2013 21:42:16 +0000 Derek, how do you get that nice and attractive opt-in form at the top of this page?

By: John Anselmo Mon, 29 Apr 2013 21:40:49 +0000 Derek, are you a born trainer, or did you train yourself?

By: Eric Tue, 03 Jul 2012 22:41:38 +0000 Hey Derek,

I am trying this out with a motivational quote blog site that has the commercial purpose of selling vinyl stickers of the quotes. I am very interested to see how this helps as I increase in traffic.

By: Isabelle Wed, 21 Dec 2011 13:58:20 +0000 Definitely hitting on something overlooked here, Derek. I know myself I need to go a bit more Hemingway with my writing – long and dwindling is often tedious unless you wrote it yourself 😉

Considering the jam experiment that I know you’ve referred to before, would you recommend limiting the number of sound bites in a blog post, as it can be difficult to choose what really resonated with you the most (for example, will someone tweet three sound bites from one post)? Or is it rather, the more the merrier as people will react to different things?

By: Alonso Tue, 20 Dec 2011 22:32:00 +0000 I haven’t been thinking on sound bites at all when writing my articles. However I did create a sound bite to keep me on task, make me more credible, and keep my intentions noble. “Talk Less, Do More, & Serve”

I do plan to start thinking more about this and monitoring this blog more often which brings me to:

Derek, How do you organize your content feeds, and how many blogs/sites are you subscribed to? I find myself sometimes missing from interesting content like this because of the overload of content that gets pushed out there.

By: Martin Mon, 19 Dec 2011 05:41:43 +0000 Hey Derek, you really shared a great stuff here. Sound Bites to generate traffic wouldn’t have been something that I will have heard about if you had not shared. I read your post and my eye popped when I saw that you used the strategy to get 9,000 hits! That is massive. Got the techniques down and you bet that I am going to try in out.

Thanks Derek
