Comments on: Should you ever work for free? The answer might surprise you… Internet Marketing Strategy Sat, 19 Oct 2019 08:06:45 +0000 hourly 1 By: Nique Devereaux Mon, 06 Jul 2015 01:02:32 +0000 Some times you have to prime the pump. Some times you just have to keep at it, one day at a time, refine your craft, make new friends, be persistent – realize you are worth the investment.

You can’t be stupid about it. At some point re-evaluation and prioritization come into play but, anything worth doing is worth taking to the finish line.

No matter what, I want to keep going because I believe in the Importance of Play in Everyday Life.

So I will keep learning, growing until I get it right. eSports is real and fun, even for adults who are causal gamers.

By: Michael Sun, 05 Jul 2015 09:42:13 +0000 To some this is (too) obvious, but to most a needed reminder about why working for free is ok and maybe even a smart business move.

It seems that most of us need to be more aware of why we do – or should do – work without getting paid. Have a plan, assess the free opportunity and decline if we feel it does not meet our criteria, whatever our objective may be.

For speakers, consultants, trainers, writers and any type of small business, free exposure is often priceless. Because many do not have the funds to pay for exposure.

Limiting the amount of free work “on offer” was the best advice for me. So today I’ll set a maximum for how much free work I do moving forward.

But I’ll take it even further; I’ll suggest to my network of speakers to do the same. And since I get around 4-5 requests to speak for free every week, I’ll pass on those I am not able to serve.

Thanks for that, Derek.

By: Chiara Thu, 18 Sep 2014 12:16:53 +0000 Hey Derek, this is my first comment here. Because I LOVE this video. I hate when people say you should never work for free. Get paid what you’re worth!!!

And it’s not good marketing but… At the beginning, our work is not worth much at all.

But I digress. Yes, I ‘work for free’ by giving away free help here: It’s scheduled into my week so it doesn’t disturb the real work. As a result:

1. People propose projects to me all the time
2. I get paid in the form of marketing copy, blog post, product features ideas… Plus social capital in the form of testimonials
3. It’s a way to connect with people, and it’s part of my fun time

By: Brighton West Sat, 26 Jul 2014 19:35:48 +0000 I’m just starting my business and trading my knowledge in exchange for my clients acting like guinea pigs. I need to learn how to transfer that knowledge to my clients. And build a portfolio.

However, I’m finding that they are less serious than if they were paying. And I’m less serious than when I’m getting paid.

But the good news is that I’m taking my day job to part time in one month – and I’m taking my startup to the next level!

By: Vero Fri, 30 May 2014 04:17:25 +0000 Give a finger for free, offer the other four at a discount, and the remaining five are there for the taking once your client sees the value of what you’ve done. So long as you haven’t “given it all away” on the first run, and so long as the value of your work is evident – clients will come back.

Especially when starting up, when you haven’t yet made a name for yourself, and you’ve got time on your hands, use it wisely…that time will run short.

By: Duncan Meadows Wed, 21 May 2014 21:28:16 +0000 Yes and maybe. The yes part if maybe a good friend who has a business; since I’m in the business of SEO and website building. I know from my experience and expertise that I am good on what I do. Giving free SEO to business that I know that will benefit and make $$$ and I get no return. I did this for couple of years and has got me no where, but hard times. I keep getting referrals which is good however I keep getting low balers or discount mary’s. What I charge for SEO if very very competitive in the market for my city.

You have to ask yourself are you worth 100 dollars to an article, press release, backlinks and content building. People will say yes; however I did just that and have been burn so many time. People will take anything for free and run with it leaving high and dry. Soon the people in the market will know you as “oh that guy does free stuff ask him”. The maybe part is something after you and the client trust each other and give a free web analysis.

By: Matt Wolfe Fri, 16 May 2014 22:35:04 +0000 When I first started my online career, I worked for free a ton. It literally launched my business. I actually left my job before I was making any money from my business (I had maybe a 3 month safety net in savings).

I created online training videos, locked them behind and opt-in form, and then hit the forum scene. I answered as many people’s questions in forums as possible and offered as much help as I possibly could, linking to my free training any chance I got…

Helping people for free built my list overtime as well as extreme goodwill with the people on my list. When I was ready to finally sell something, conversion rates from my small list were through the roof.

By: Spencer Goldade Thu, 08 May 2014 20:00:38 +0000 I regularly give talks or critique student work at high schools and colleges for free. I do this because I care about the kids and the teachers working there, the communities they’re building, and also I’ve seen how their fresh outlook on the industry helps keep my own mind and eye sharp.

I’ve also done free design or consulting work for non-profits that I really care about. I love animals, green initiatives, or helping those in need. I agree that we can’t help everyone or else we won’t be able to afford helping ourselves, but I do try to do a certain amount of pro-bono because I– put simply– care.

It’s funny that I found this article while perusing your site, since we were just this morning speaking in our office about the dangers of spec work in the creative industry. From a business perspective, crowd sourcing is amazing. From an illustrator/designer perspective though, you wind up doing a lot of hard work for what could be little or no pay off, and the person commissioning the work often benefits from your ideas anyways. If you’re looking for an excuse to doodle in your sketchbook or something, I can see spec work being interesting, but for formal work leads I’d suggest seeking out more professionally fleshed out RFPs or pitching to clients that more firmly understand the value of a creative mind and want someone that will collaborate with them to create something great rather than taking stabs in the dark (in most cases, not saying it’s the rule).

Anywho, great video and points, Derek!

By: Josh Hines Thu, 08 May 2014 17:31:05 +0000 I once bartered with a woman I go to church with. She is a painter so she made me a wall painting of a storm over the ocean and I developed her a new website and gave her marketing consulting on how she could expand her brand online.

I have also gave away free time for a non-profit but like you I was very interested in give back to the community they served.

By: Jet Thu, 08 May 2014 14:29:12 +0000 I love doing free work. I have done it all my life. Trick is not to do too much free work or others will not value it no matter what. sort of like the saying…’Familiarity breeds contempt.’ Ditto with doing to much, or being too generous, i have lost more business when in one of my crazy near psycho URGES to send someone free files and really overdoing it and never hear from me again. This is NOT due to my stuff being crap, but perceived as such virtually every time I have gone overboard with generosity. For with those who enjoy my work, they do pay, again, and again. Give back, to free work for those who are less fortunate, or for a new gig or new area of interest to prove how good you are, so long as they are totally transparent as to why you are offering the free work that is, when you are wishing to show how good you are, wonderful…I have never done this as some test as to my talents but i think i would any day of the week and if after three or four times of working with people who were not scumbags con artists, but reputable people, if they still didnt want me, i would question if this was something i was as good as i thought and either get more training, ask the person you are doing free work for or get out and cut your losses and use this as honest self critical learning experience and move on to what you are brilliant at, for everyone has their gifts, trouble is, people are not honest with themselves and keep hanging on to more bad rather than nipping in the bud and finding the best for the best you can be for you and for all. JET:)
