Comments on: How to Stop Worrying About What People Think Of You Internet Marketing Strategy Sat, 19 Oct 2019 08:06:45 +0000 hourly 1 By: Pearl Mon, 13 Aug 2018 09:25:31 +0000 True

By: Brian Mon, 05 Mar 2018 05:53:00 +0000 Great article. Very detailed and helpful. So much good stuff that I should re-read it to remember the good parts. Thanks Derek.

By: Tony W Sun, 18 Feb 2018 17:48:15 +0000 This was an interesting read. I have lived my life proudly professing I did not care what people thought of me. I just realized that may not be true.
I, more importantly, care about projecting my well crafted story. Why? Maybe because I really did care what people thought of me.

By: Dario Zadro Sat, 17 Feb 2018 14:09:59 +0000 Great post and reminder of how so many of us get caught in the “approval” trap way too often. We’re taught from a very young age to seek our parents approval (don’t touch that, you can eat that, etc). The first step and breaking the approval cycle is to break it with family and friends, as you briefly pointed out. Before long, those same people will be asking instead! Most importantly, breaking the approval process starts with kids…let’s empower them to not seek approval. I definitely encourage confidence in my daughter every chance I get! Thanks for your insight.
