Comments on: Want to meet new people? Use these 3 words to introduce yourself to anyone. Internet Marketing Strategy Sat, 19 Oct 2019 08:06:45 +0000 hourly 1 By: Tamara Thu, 03 May 2018 22:42:52 +0000 Hi Derrick
I need some understand on how To start à buiness and Im new at this is my fisrt time actually seeking information .
thank u

By: Sandra Sat, 30 Sep 2017 18:04:16 +0000 Hey Derek! …You don’t know me. I am new to your world of Social Triggers and loving the information thus far. I just wanted to say hello and tell you why I am here.

I am frustrated. I don’t know how to market. I always fall into ‘sales’ mode when trying to write up marketing campaigns. I have no idea how to approach businesses that I have never done business with but would like to do business with.

Case in point: I would love to find a couple of furniture stores, designed coffee shops, and office buildings to partner by offering professional branding portraits in exchange for permission to use for my other headshot clients that may be looking for something different than a real estate or lawyer portrait.

But, when I email, call, or message through social media I NEVER hear back.

How do you think this method you have shared with us today would work in written format?


By: Tom Wed, 30 Aug 2017 23:06:40 +0000 That’s so cool. I did this about 3 hours ago before I got home and watched your video just now. I didn’t use your exact words “Hey! What’s up?” But I spoke directly to the barista fixing my special brew coffee . . . I think I only said one word “So? . . . ” with the clear energy that I was saying “so?” as a question to him . . . where he was at . . . what was going on with him. He looked up directly at me (there’d been no eye contact or energetic personal connection before) . . . he looks me in the eye and says back to me, with open interest, something along the lines of “so what’re you up to today?” I hadn’t had any agenda in my asking “So? . . .”, but now in response to his interest, I told him I’d been at an interesting meeting I’d been at all morning learning about a cost-share program for enhancing the “carbon-sequestration” ability of the soil on the ranch I am responsible for over seeing! Before this morning I’d never heard of “carbon-sequestration” or that it could help the environment, as well as improve our soil and the yield of our orchard!

This was not especially something unusual for me to connect out in public like that, but I hadn’t transferred to that skill to meeting new people at conferences or networking. Thank you for helping me “get” that I already have this skill, but had been making “networking” and “introducing myself” at conferences much more complicated. Your video help me get that it could be just as easy as my connection with the barista today! Thank you!
