Comments on: How to Increase Online Sales By 600% Internet Marketing Strategy Sat, 19 Oct 2019 08:06:45 +0000 hourly 1 By: Sandesh M Wed, 24 Aug 2016 10:38:59 +0000 Putting up an explainer video on your website can give you more sales. As instead of going through pages of content, your visitors can easily understand what you’re selling just by watching a video that talks about your business! Get your explainer video at clickcode media.


By: Sandesh M Fri, 19 Aug 2016 11:33:22 +0000 Putting up an explainer video on your website can give you more sales. As instead of going through pages of content, your visitors can easily understand what you’re selling just by watching a video that talks about your business! Get your explainer video at clickcode media.


By: Alex Tue, 10 May 2016 05:37:57 +0000 AB testing always works and every online shopping portal should try this. You should have 2 options to major your sales growth. We in our organization also implemented this and believe me we had excellent results.

Derek, you did great job by posting this article to let people know about different aspects of increasing sales apart from marketing. Thanks for sharing.

Cheers !!

By: Abdullah Tue, 12 Apr 2016 17:17:06 +0000 Thanks for this post. What would you say the following fall under?

1. Personal coaching. Currently I’m offering single sessions and session packs, but wondering how many options would be best for this kind of thing. I also have a few different types of coaching for different focuses.

2. I’m developing some online courses as well. How many options would be ideal for these? I like the ideas mentioned in the comments here of having two options: a basic and a premium.

By: Ronell Tue, 23 Feb 2016 07:08:28 +0000 I am anxious to start using the information. Thank you.

By: Dustin Thu, 07 Jan 2016 15:49:55 +0000 Hi Derek,

That was very informative, thanks for sharing. I had never thought of products to be narrowed down quite like that but it makes sense. Thanks for the great content even though you say content it not #1. It is up there as an important thing to keep them coming and in providing value.

By: Gwen Fri, 23 Jan 2015 14:05:46 +0000 Try reading a current textbook on Social Psychology or Consumer Behavior (online versions are almost always available and can often be purchased or rented one chapter at a time) and their accompanying or related websites. You’re more likely to find a higher concentration of actual research studies there that you can follow up with a google search for practical applications than you will going straight to blogs or websites. David Meyer is best.

By: Gwen Fri, 23 Jan 2015 13:59:35 +0000 I’ve been teaching the concept of choice overload in Social Psychology courses for years. I always gave my students the example of shopping at Aldi, where I can get in and out with a list in 20 minutes, vs. Walmart or Woodman’s (similar to Draeger’s), where you’ll find me two hours in staring at the plethora of peanut butter options. The end result: I HATE grocery shopping and simply avoid it at all costs, sending my 17-year-old, whenever I can convince him to go instead.

This concept is universal and applies in every industry because it has to do with human nature (I devote almost an entire chapter of a book to how choice overload impacts the hiring process). So, if you find yourself saying, “but my customers aren’t like that…they tell me they want a multitude of different things,” remember that, no matter what product or service you offer, what you’re really offering (and what your customers are really asking for) is a solution to their problem. When your customers or audience are specifically describing what they want you to produce or provide, you’re missing the mark somewhere, or failing to communicate that you truly understand them or their problem. It’s not the customer’s job to make the connection between how what you do/offer solves the problem they are struggling with.

By: kirk Sun, 11 Jan 2015 02:10:27 +0000 Great article. How about 1 product available in many colors? If we sell a phone for example, is it better to have it in 3 or 6 colors? Any feedback on this?

By: Julie Fri, 24 Jan 2014 08:58:53 +0000 Have you read Gretchen Rubin’s book, “The Happiness Project?” In it she describes people being in one of 2 groups where decision-making is concerned. ( Not sure if she coined these terms or not)

The first group is the “satisficers.” These folks have their needs in mind and make a decision when they find an option that meets their needs/requirements. Example: Goal: Buying a used car with less than 100k miles, greater than 30 mpg for around $4000. Satisficers cruise CL, find a car that meets those criteria, and buy!

The other group, termed “maximizers” don’t just want a car that meets their requirements, they want the BEST car available with under 100k miles, greater than 30 mpg, and costing less than $4,000.

I would wager that maximizers are more prone to sales confusion than the satisficers, but agree that too many choices is detrimental to sales to both groups.

Ps- I’m a maximizer; it’s exhausting!
