Comments on: Don’t spend one cent on business cards til you see this… Internet Marketing Strategy Sat, 19 Oct 2019 08:06:45 +0000 hourly 1 By: julie Sun, 24 Sep 2017 00:21:33 +0000 While I applaud the main point of this post which seems to be how to make real connections, that is not a reason to dismiss a business card. Even when I haven’t been working I’ve had them made. They are a convenient way to share your contact info which is the point of them.

Looking at a business card is also a great way for some of us to learn and remember names. I’m horrible with remembering names and I find it helps when I see them.

Just the other day I met a woman whose name was Gael. It was great seeing her name in print because I wouldn’t have guessed the spelling. When I asked her about the origin it led to a good conversation about her Gaelic roots and our respective times in Europe.

Like any tool, it’s how you use it and not the tool itself!

By: Justin Tue, 28 Mar 2017 01:05:20 +0000 It’s true. You did a fine job identifying how I felt as a newbie ‘professional’ receiving a big stack of company-paid-for business cards. Physical proof of my new status! I slowly figured out they were useless. Unless you count assuaging my need for validation as business priority.

Funny enough I actually do find use in business cards at present however. Everytime I enter a store and see a stack of business carda I pull out my phone and start going through them, photographing the ones without websites. Those are immediate leads for a prospective web-builder. 😉
Of course it doesn’t mean I have one.

By: Shanika Sat, 25 Mar 2017 18:22:13 +0000 Loved the comic. It matches your message. Alot of folks get that wrong.

As far as networking, I don’t follow up as often as I used to. But when I do, I love the conversations had and the connections made.

I agree it takes months before full trust and a genuine relationship (biz and personal) is made. That question on contacting is instinctive to me. But, I really like connecting genuinely with people. So everything to me is spot on

By: Shannon Seek Sat, 25 Mar 2017 02:44:04 +0000 A girl with my own heart! Thank you, Kristina. I agree. In fact, I really appreciate your candor.

I confess I went years without a card when I was semi-retired basically (doing research, not taking new business).

And, otherwise, I am “on it.” I’ve had clients start with me at weekend events. And, I trust I am in front of the right people at the right time and don’t have any rules about waiting. I’ve been told my card itself adds value. I love that. In fact, I really need to order more right now!

Keep up the great work!

By: Cathy Sat, 25 Mar 2017 01:19:53 +0000 So true, but from a different angle.

We dutifully had business cards printed back in the 1990s when we started out. I threw out all but one box of them a year or two ago.

We kept one box only because people ask for my card once or twice a year, and it is a comfort knowing they are there, in the draw, just in case.

LinkedIn is a far superior way to stay in touch for my sector.

By: Salesha LOL LANKFORD Fri, 24 Mar 2017 21:39:53 +0000 ]]> Thank you so much for sharing! That was such great advice! I can’t to utilize this in my career and business. God bless and best of luck to you! 😊

By: Uche Moses Wed, 21 Dec 2016 10:07:49 +0000 Lovely! I will try using this method to get more web design clients in my next event.
Thanks… So how, my business card generate a little bit of rapport.

By: Sarah Sun, 28 Aug 2016 20:52:46 +0000 I wouldn’t say business cards are useless. They’re handy to have around when people ask for them. Depending on the type of business and client, they can be more important or less. On a more positive note, I love love love the 12 month approach. Thanks, Derek

By: Christine Sat, 20 Aug 2016 21:58:42 +0000 I’m new to your stuff. This comment just affirms that I will continue to soak up your free content, but will never pay for anything. Great posts, comment reflects the kind of person I don’t want to actively support.

By: Carla Thu, 23 Jun 2016 16:53:12 +0000 I love the comic!! So true, and I’m totally guilty as well. Great post, will definitely try this framework!
