Comments on: Use This Technique To Make A Bad Situation Better FAST Internet Marketing Strategy Sat, 19 Oct 2019 08:06:45 +0000 hourly 1 By: AJ & Serenity Services Fri, 25 Jul 2014 00:20:10 +0000 Hey Derek thanks for another awesome video!

Before I got into the world of making money online, I was involved in real estate. I came across an online home study course for sale about commercial bird dogging (in a nutshell, getting paid finder’s fees for bringing property deals to real estate investors). Out of respect and confidentiality, I will not state the author’s name.

I remember I went ahead and took the plunge and invested $97 in the program. Then I was shown two upsells: one to bird dog for the author and bring her property deals, and another for DVDs on even more info on commercial bird dogging. I went ahead and took the 2nd upsell.

To make a long story short, I was very disappointed with the main program. It was very disorganized and had no step by step program I could follow. I was lost and confused as to what forms were for what. The program gave no direction on how to effectively find the property deals or find the investor buyers. I got the overall impression that the author was more interested in how much money she could make off me. I was so disappointed I requested my money back (which I did get back).

The main lesson I learned here was be careful not to get too seduced by the ability to make lots of money within a short period of time. Also take the time to do your research and due diligence before parting ways with your hard earned money.

I can honestly say I’m happier now being an online entrepreneur. I don’t have to deal with any confusing forms or paperwork. My partner and I take pride in helping other online entrepreneurs succeed.

By: Matthew Thu, 24 Jul 2014 16:37:52 +0000 Nice Derek!
What a great way to turn things around and look on the bright side.
We all have bad experiences in life but I really loved the tip of picking up the pen and writing down at least one good thing I’ve learned from it, it instantly switches your mind from negative to positive and you’d be surprised how many good things we can find from one bad experience.

Thanks a lot Derek, I will embrace this one and make it a habit.

By: Brad Wed, 23 Jul 2014 20:40:54 +0000 So true Derek. If only we could remind ourselves this in the middle of a crisis!

By: lynne Wed, 23 Jul 2014 02:44:02 +0000 Hi, great techniques ! I watched your video and it gave me a different perspective on how to make bad situations better. Thanks for sharing. Great post!

By: April Tue, 22 Jul 2014 20:56:59 +0000 Taking the “what can I learn from this?” approach to bad situations has helped me both personally and professionally.

With a difficult client or getting ripped off, I improve my social skills and client handling skills or make my contract stronger and vow not to work so fast and loose.

Learning from life is a big part of why the winners win and the losers don’t.

By: Harry Scott Mon, 21 Jul 2014 18:08:14 +0000 Great video Derek. I’m also a firm believer that there are only lessons to be learned from bad situations and failure. Having been in business for 5 years I’ve had more failures in that time, than in the past 25 years working in business. But… I’ve learned from every single one of them and guess what? I’m still in business and even better, growing and prospering. I think I unconciously use that technique after that many failures, but having it explained is really helpful. Thanks again for the great advice.

By: Gabe Johansson Sat, 19 Jul 2014 13:38:56 +0000 I’ve run a full on ad campaign to a landing page where the subscribe form didn’t work properly, and wasted about $50 in one go. Because of that mishap, I’ve always tested forms and haven’t had it happen since.

Great video, and it’s great that you reference studies too!

By: The Get In Shape Girl Sat, 19 Jul 2014 12:10:15 +0000 Incredible. Amazing, amazing timing. Right now my bf and I are about to make the move from Boston to Tampa. The plan is to leave in the first week of October. Well, our landlord sold the house we live in so now we have to move twice (our place in Tampa won’t be ready yet.) It sucks and it’s incredibly inconvenient especially since I’m going to Europe in the middle of all that.
Also, I took my car to a mechanic last week to get a new clutch. $1800 later I get my car back and the horn no longer works and the light for my airbag is on and the mechanic says it’s not his responsibility although it happened on his watch.
Needless to say, I’ve spent a lot of this week crying, drinking wine and yelling at people and it sucks, but I keep telling myself there’s a lesson to be learned here. I’m not really sure what it is yet, but I know I will learn something.

By: Nora Sat, 19 Jul 2014 07:38:36 +0000 Love this advice Derek!

It’s something I’ve been doing more and more in the last few years. I realised that being annoyed, angry, sad, down etc. didn’t do anything productive so now I immediately turn it around with (as Marie Forleo says) “What can I learn from this?”

The last very annoying thing that happened was my laptop suddenly dying without notice (duh!) while I was working. It was on a Saturday afternoon with a deadline on Monday and I hadn’t backed up what I was doing.

After a crazy run to the computer guy who couldn’t do anything on the spot, I calmed down and took responsibility for the lack of backup. I decided that I needed a system to backup everything weekly both on external drive and online. I took the rest the day off and decided to redo all the work the next day with the right mindset, which I did. I respected the deadline, awesome computer guy could retrieve everything on my hard drive and now I have a system in place to lessen the damage if this ever happens again. Also, I am fully expecting this to happen again.

So all-in-all, shifting my mindset not only allowed me to deal with the situation at hand but also improved my business.

By: Marsha from Fri, 18 Jul 2014 19:51:23 +0000 This is GREAT.

I’ve been trying to use this mindset when finding that I’m beating myself up about something I did or didn’t do. What did I learn from making the mistake? What would I do different next time?
