Here You Go...
Derek smiling

Your webinar registration is ALL SET

As I said on the last page, since you signed up for the webinar, I have some FREE STUFF for you.

Here's The Link To A Free Ebook: The 2.68 Billion Dollar Secret

If possible, I'd like you to read that "before" the webinar.

Additionally, as you may have heard, I just opened enrollment for a course called Yes Engines. Enrollment is now open, but it closes on Sunday.

See what it's all about right here

And in this course, I show people how to create "Yes Engines," a system that attracts the best prospects, entices those prospects to buy, and turns those new customers into customers for life.

But a system like this can work so much better when you know how to charge what you're worth.

And while I reveal a technique I call "The Ladder of Value" inside the course, which is perfect for people who keep hearing "you're too expensive," I decided to preview some of this training on the webinar.

I wanted to give you a "taste" of what this course is like in real time. And share an interesting case study about pricing.

And then, towards the end, I'll leave time for Q&A about pricing and my new course Yes Engines.

Also, here are 2 free videos:

Video 1: The Yes Line

Video 2: 4 Reasons Why People Don't Buy

Talk soon,
Derek Halpern